We focus on providing a Good Life for Horses through integrating science-based knowledge into horse and rider training, and providing an equine-centred living environment.

Training that promotes positive equine welfare, improved performance outcomes and rider safety.
Equitation Science is a relatively recently developed area for research and education. The knowledge gained from studies of equine behaviour, effective use of learning theory, and validated measurements of horse emotions (stress, fear and pleasure) as well as understanding the pressures imposed on the horse via the rider's hands, legs and seat provides practitioners with an effective, humane and safer approach to horse and rider training. The aim of my coaching is to improve your understanding of horse behaviour, horse senses and how horses' learn, and to provide you with evidence based and effective behavioural and equitation 'tools' so that you can be clearer and more consistent in your signalling, achieve your riding/handling objectives and enjoy a more positive safer and successful relationship with your horse.
About GlenOlive
GlenOlive is a boutique equestrian facility based just outside Napier in Hawkes Bay. It has been established by Nat Waran and Chris Thorman, who arrived in Hawkes Bay with their horses, dogs, cats and two sons from Scotland in late 2016.
GlenOlive sits in a quiet valley location along Puketitiri Road, and includes an Olive Grove which consists of some of the oldest trees in the Bay, including varieties such as Picual and Barnea for oil and Manzanilla as eating olives. The facility has been set up with a focus on equine welfare. Riding tracks around the grove provide a peaceful and sheltered place to warm up or cool down a horse after a lesson in the purpose built all weather 60 x 22 m Arena. For those who keep their horses at GlenOlive there are horse yards and stables as well as mixed grass paddocks.

About Prof Nat Waran
Nat has been involved with horses most of her life, owning, training and competing in eventing, show-jumping and dressage. She gained her PhD from Cambridge University Veterinary School and has been a Professor of Animal Welfare here in NZ and at Edinburgh University for the past 14 years. As an internationally recognised expert in equine behaviour, she has developed research and education initiatives and published widely. She was the equine behaviour scientist with the 1996 Atlanta Olympics UK research team, equine behaviour consultant for the UK Horse and Rider magazine 'Ask the Expert' column, ran an equine behaviour clinic at the vet school in Edinburgh, written numerous articles for equine magazines, journals and books and was a co-founder and now Hon. Trustee of the International Society for Equitation Science. She recently chaired the FEI Commission's Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Committee and presented their final report to the FEI Board in Mexico in November 2023. Nat provides evidence based coaching to support each horse and rider combination regardless of their discipline.

My aim is to help you and your horse achieve to the best of your potential. A coaching session will focus on your objectives, provide new tools to improve your effectiveness as a rider and develop your horse's understanding of what is required. The charge is $75 for a session (usually one hour depending on you and your horse). Pairs are $55 each and a group of three is $45 each. Please message me if you want to discuss multiple small groups.

Our arena measures 22 m wide by 60 metres long. Its fully fenced with gates at either end, and the yards and stables are nearby. It has been recently resurfaced with arena Lime-sand sourced locally.
We have poles for polework and jump-stands for grid work available, and there are grass paddocks available to ride in during the dry weather.
Horses are able to relax and focus on their learning whilst working on a level, well maintained surface.

Through my writing and presenting I aim to provide horse owners with up to date validated information about horse behaviour and training. From my point of view, knowledgeable owners/riders make for happy, safe horses. My objective is to give you the information and tools you need in order to succeed at the level you have set your sights on, and in a manner that puts the welfare of your horse first and foremost. Check out my blog/tweets and facebook sites for up to date articles and information.

Horses living at GlenOlive enjoy peaceful surroundings, good well maintained grazing, safe paddocks and are checked regularly. Their owners will be able to make use of the purpose-built facilities including use of the full size dressage arena, rides around the olive grove, space in the locked tack-room, space for horse feed storage, horse yards and tea/coffee making facilities. Use of the stables can be arranged if needed. $75/horse.

"A horse already knows how to be a horse - its up to us to understand the world from the horses' point of view"
743 Puketitiri Rd
Napier, 4182
New Zealand
+64 0273718977